Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 2 Monica MTC
Hey Everyone,

This week has gone by so fast!! More Greek and more investigators. Right now I have 5 investigators that I have been teaching! The spirit is so strong when we teach them. Its so amazing to be able to feel that spirit. I cant believe that its already been two weeks. Since I'm here for 9 weeks I will be seeing a lot of missionaries come and go. Recently a bunch of missionaries just left.  Its so fun and crazy!! My district is so awesome! We love learning new things together. Its so fun! One thing we like to do together is play Greek hangman or walk to the temple quizzing each other on words/ phrases. So FUN!  It really does help with learning the language. Being here has been such an eye opener! My favorite thing is reading the scriptures!! I love reading the Book of Mormon...I've realized how much truth and guidance it can really bring! Really! I would encourage anyone who hasn't read it recently to do so! It is such an amazing testimony of Christ! Reading it now i'm looking through it like its a new world. Its something so fascinating! This week has been full of TRC's...which are recorded lessons. And those are not as fun but, I know they are good for me. 
Today I went to Asda to see if I needed anything. Walking in I felt so I haven't gone to a store before. Hahah. As we went in I noticed an old man looking at my name tag, he was reading out my name. It was kinda cute...haha. He later came up and asked a few questions about the church. At that moment I felt like an actual missionary. It felt so good to just share something! I cant really explain the feeling...but I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring people unto Him! This is an amazing work!! I love this gospel!
And cant wait to share more!!:)
Love you all!
Have a great week!
Adelfie Ramsay

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