Friday, August 8, 2008

Do my children have superpowers?

I'm thinking of getting my children tested for super human power in destruction. Granted I haven't been "watching" my children during the summer because I have been engrossed in the twilight series (which I loved) and other books. A mother of eight once told me that children played better together without any adult interfering so I've taken this idea to the max. Anyway about the kids getting tested....they have been on a rampage lately. The twins have ripped a curtain rod out of the wall, Monica and james broke a door handle (not a knob but an L shaped door handle) in half...and it was metal, and they've been wresting with me to try and rip my books away from me and I really have to fight back hard to keep my books from getting hidden. I will keep my eyes open for more super human long til school starts again???? Oh a month from today!


mindy said...

How hilarious! We must be on the same wavelength--I wrote about the same thing on my blog today before I read yours...They must inherit their superpowers from me. Their AUNT. I am invisible you know. HA! Your children are awesome! Love, mindy

lydia said...

And you don't have to say much for me to find you.

Yes they all have super powers from their super mum!!