Thursday, November 26, 2015

Week 10- I made it to Greece!!!

We left the MTC at 4:30am to go to the airport. We flew first to London and then to Athens, Greece! Once we got there we all went out to dinner and I had the chance to eat my first yuro! They are soooooooo GOOD!! hahah! After dinner we went back to the mission home and had our interviews with the mission president. We were all sooo excited to find out where we were going to start!! The funny thing is, in the MTC on our last day we were all guessing where we would be going and we all got sent to the places we guessed:) 
I knew I was going to be sent somewhere very cold:) hahaha! After the interviews we all went to bed and woke up fairly early to go with Sister Heder, the mission President's wife. We went for a nice walk with her up a hill in Athens. The view was incredible.(I sent pictures of us all on the hill:))We had a little devotional up there and then went back to the mission home to pack up for a meeting with all the missionaries. We were going to get our new trainers. My trainer is Sister Indelicato. She's from Italy! Oh and she is sooo fun!! She's an amazing cook!! I love her food! She is so patient with me and the language! She has helped me so much! And in all the lessons she's taught me to trust my heart and follow the spirit! I want to let you all know that the gift of tongues is real! I had a lesson a few days ago and I didnt remember knowing so much Greek! Heavenly Father really does guide us and help us in the very moment we need it! 
After we had that meeting we went to Mars Hill.(I sent pics of that as well) Mars Hill was an experience I will never forget!! It was sooo good! We all  bore are testimonies in Greek. The spirit was so strong! After our testimony meeting I had to leave right away to catch a plan to Thessaloniki. So, Sister Heder drove us...but, as we were leaving the roads got closed off because some people in the center were, we were stuck for an hour...finally we got to the airport and our plan had been boarding...I didnt think we would make it, but we did!!! We arrived in Thess really late so the wonderful senior couple Sister and Elder West picked us up and took us to our apartment. Our apartment is the smallest apartment in the entire mission. haha! But its very cute:) 

The next day..Wednesday:
We woke up and went running by the shore! Its sooo beautiful!! I love it!! We visited the Koutouri Family. They are members. They do a lot of missionary work. They were very fun to meet! Although I had a hard time understanding them! They have a very heavy Greek accent. But they were so nice and loved talking with me:)
We visited Nikos and Paraskefi. They are our investigators. They are so fun! They love the lessons! Nikos is the dad and Paraskefi is the daughter. There is another son, his name is Dimitris. He is the cutest boy EVER!! He is four! He loves holding the B.O.M. We taught them a lesson on the restoration and showed them the Jospeh Smith video and he asked for a copy of it! haha! Love them! We showed him
We taught Milena. She's also our investigator! She's russian...but speaks amazing Greek also! She keeps giving us more referrals and is very close to setting a baptims date!
We went to go visit the Stillo Family. They are a less active family. But the daughter, Irene loves coming. We taught her about temples and she loved hearing about it so much...She asked for pictures she could put in her room. We also gave her a personal progress book for her to start. Since we are her young womens teachers we will be helping her with that:) 
I bore my testimony in church and introduced myslef to everyone. I also taught young womens with my companion. That was very fun! I love our two young women we have! The members are so good and strong! 
We also went with the Elders White Boearding...which is taking a white board and going by the shore side where the White tower is and passing out cards about family/family history. We basically just go finding/proselyting. Its so fun!! 

This week has been so amazing and enlighting! Wow! hmmm The people really are humbling to me! They have really nothing, but they always give! There are a lot of orange trees everywhere!!! They are by the side of the road...everywhere! We also have tons and I mean tons of cats and dogs! 
I had my first Bugatsa! ohhh man, Its soooooo GOOD!! You all need to try it!! I was on the bus a few days ago and an old man asked me if I was from Italy. Haha! People here are so fun! 

I love you all and love being here in Thess! Im learning soooo much!!! The gospel is such a huge blessing!! I love it and the effect its had on my life!
Let me know if I can do anything for you all! 
much love,
 Sister Ramsay

p.s Ill send more photos next pday....sorry I forgot to bring my camera to the internet shop:)
love you all!

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