Friday, June 26, 2009

the birds and the bees and other nonsense

So as I was in the bathroom this morning my little boys came in and watched me using the toilet...Tim started out the conversation, "So you have 3 holes?" I thought we must be having the where do babies come from talk so I clarified and explained what the 3 holes were for and then I remembered that yesterday I had a wart lasered from my foot. they actually found 2 more little planter warts so in total I had 3 warts removed leaving you guessed it 3 holes. Finally my brain kicked in and I said, yes I have 3 holes on my heel. Yes! That's what we're talking about!!! Yikees! Save that talk for another day...


ganelle said...

SOOO funny! I'll have to remember that! haha!

wendysue said...

Oh, my, I'm crying now. That was so funny. Talk about giving them more information then they want. Hilarious.

mindy said...

HA! I'm sure they wouldn't have minded hearing all about it though---since you seem anxious to have the conversation:) Somehow, the funniest things take place in your bathroom!!!