Thursday, May 14, 2009

swiss german

My husband speaks swiss german (which is an unwritten language similiar to German that the Swiss speak here). Anyway now that the twins are in preschool he was talking to them last night about whether they can speak swiss or not...

Ben can you speak swiss? Ben, "No, I can't"

Tim says, "I can speak Swiss!" Colin, "Really?" "What can you say?"

Tim, "Swiss, Swiss, Swiss"

Well he got us there! Perhaps German lessons wouldn't be a bad idea.


mindy said...

How cute! I'm sure they'll pick it up quickly as soon as they start school. They are both very smart!

ASP.NET Tips And Tricks said...

For learning German I could recommend German Online Classes.
They have an online German course with 33 interactive lessons, really nice!

SwissMiss said...

It's a crazy tongue twister of a language! Don't worry, William didn't speak it either until about second grade.