Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 21 Things are Changing

Hi! How is everyone??

So, this week we had part 2 of the Missionary Leadership Council. During that meeting President announced some new things to the mission. The Athens area has been broadend and is now a lot bigger. We also now have the Island Crete as apart of our mission. But, since we don't have that many sisters here we will only have Elders over there until we get more Sisters. 
But, its very exciting!
This week we had the opportunity to meet with Maria's brother's family. We taught him and his family and his neighbor's. It was way fun! We love the Romanian families:) 
We also got to meet with Milena this week. She's still struggling with a lot of work and taking care of her dad. She wants to go to church, but her work is preventing from it. We are praying for her and we still visit her and remind her of the love her Heavenly Father has for her!
This week we also went White Boarding. White boarding this week was focused on our talents or what we can give to help the people around us. We offer a free english class. So, we decided to center it on that. We had a good amount of people come and we were able to share our message as well. It was really neat! 
We even had a lady call us who had gotten one of our "I am a Mormon" card. She told us a few weeks ago that she found a book that she thought was ours....(It wasn't was from the Jehova's witnesses) So, we told her about our book..The Book of Mormon:) and at first she said how much for it?? And my companion and I smiled and told her its for free. She was very surprised. Later on she told us that she wasn't sure if she would have time to meet with us to get the Book. But, later that night when we had White Boarding she called again and said she was interested and wanted to meet up. So, she came to the board walk where we were and met us. She said she was very happy to meet us! She was so happy to get the book! She wants to have lessons:) So, that was a very cool experience!

We are also having transfers on Wednesday. Im staying here another 6 weeks. And my new companion is Sister Leuzinger. She's from Switzerland! hahahah! If people werent confused now with Swedish and Swiss..They will now with two Swiss girls:) hahah! Love this work!! Its progressing!
Have a great week!

Sister Ramsay

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