Monday, August 9, 2010


Tim and Ben have started a new game:
"Mom, I want ice cream"!
"Sorry honey, I'm just making dinner. You can have some after dinner"
"Then I'm running away" he turns and runs away with his twin running after him crying and screaming "Mom, he's running away. Just give him ICE CREAM"....oh the trauma.
Then I hear them talking, "Where will you go"? "To the airport." "But you don't have any money....what will you do there"? "Just stand around."
Then they switch roles and repeat....oh what fun!
I do remember doing this to my own father when I was young. I would even grab a suitcase with nothing in it as a prop....dramatics run in my family :)


ganelle said...

Dave tells the story of running away when the Easter bunny showed up late one year. Good stuff!

mindy said...

They always crack me up. Cute boys who just want some ice cream!!!