Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I had the craziest thing happen yesterday on my anniversary. A year and a half ago I lost the diamond from my wedding ring (while we were living in the UK). I looked everywhere! but eventually determined to get a bigger diamond :). We kept doing other things with our extra money so I've just been wearing a russian wedding band that I picked up at a car boot sale in England. Anyway late last night after I got home from parents night (colin is in Poland for work) I was cleaning out the filter from the dryer and I spotted what I thought was one of Monica's earrings. I picked it up and thought that it must have come out of her earring as it was just the stone. But the stone looked very familiar to me...so I scratched it against the glass door of the washer to see if it was real. It scratched back! I was very shocked! So I rushed up to my jewlery box to see if it would fit....it did! How did that diamond travel back to switzerland and let me find it a year and a half later in a different country?! Amazing!

In other happenings school started up 3 weeks ago....making my life CRAZY! We've finally started all of the other things up as well (after taking a 6 month break for the children to readjust to german). George is in swimming, James is taking kumon, piano, drums, trumpet (from his uncle and a friend) and scouts (in zurich there is an american troop), Monica is taking piano, guitar, YW's and kumon. Just makes life busier when you add these elements plus a kitty that insists on being played with!:)

I also haven't been able to put this book down!!! So if you like the Jane Austen time period then grab a copy! I'm still thinking about it!


mindy said...

I still can't believe you found your diamond! That's amazing---but the best part is that you found it on your anniversary. Ahhh, how romantic!

Jaydee and Shaunda said...

Wow, what a story. Happy Anniversary. I love all the pictures. What a beautiful family and what a beautiful mountains.

Randi said...

That is a truly incredible story. I mean seriously unbelievable!
I LOVE it!
Happy Anniversary!!

Megan said...

WHAT???!? that is crazy! What a miracle!

Anonymous said...

That is an incredible story!! Loved it. :)

The Merz said...

Hey girl, just trying to catch up on your info. Awesome cool on the diamond. So sweet. I should know I'm sure but what is Kumon? Ahhh I love the kitty, I'd have been weak too. Heheh Your kids are in bliss I know.

ganelle said...

WOW! That is crazy! And you have probably cleaned the filter a million times - wonder if it just needed a good jostling!


Jennifer Lane said...

I have been afraid I would lose my diamond from my engagement ring. It is good to know that there is always the possibility that it will reappear if it happens.

I was going to call you tonight because they were offering free calls overseas to support breast cancer research, but I couldn't find your phone number. All I have is your address. I couldn't locate you on swisscom either. I found Daniel, Marcel, and Elsbeth, but no Colin or Julie.

Maybe they will do it another time and I will have your number by then.
